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Gerald S. Buller, Fiona Thorburn, Xin Yi, Zoë M. Greener, Laura L. Huddleston, Jaroslaw Kirdoda, Bhavana Benakaprasad, Derek C.S. Dumas, Conor Coughlan, Scott Watson, Ross W. Millar, Douglas J. Paul, “Ge-on-Si single-photon avalanche diode detectors for short-wave infrared wavelengths”

MRS Spring Meeting, Hawaii, USA (May 2022)


Peter Connolly, Yash Shah, Jessica Valli, Yoann Altmann, and Gerald S. Buller, "Multi‑spectral, single‑photon colour imaging using high‑efficiency plasmonic metasurface mosaic filters", SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Berlin, Germany (September 2022)

Xin Yi, Fiona Fleming, Jarosław Kirdoda, Ross W. Millar, Bhavana Benakaprasad, Conor Coughlan, Charles Smith, Muhammad M. Mirza, Scott Watson, Lisa Saalbach, Douglas J. Paul, Gerald S. Buller, "Design, fabrication and performance of planar Ge‑on‑Si single‑photon avalanche diode at 1550 nm", SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Berlin, Germany (September 2022)

Ewan Wade, Aongus McCarthy, Rachael Tobin, Abderrahim Halimi, Jorge Garcia‑Armenta, and Gerald S. Buller, "Micro‑scanning of a focal plane detector array in a single‑photon LiDAR system for improved depth and intensity image reconstruction", SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Berlin, Germany (September 2022).

Robert Hadfield, "Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors for quantum communications", NPL Jint Symposium on Quantum technologies, NPL, Teddington (September 2022).

Robert Hadfield, "Infrared photon counting with superconducting nanowires", JSPS International Symposium on Superconducting Electronics, Kyoto, Japan (September 2022).

Robert Hadfield, "Infrared photon counting with superconducting nanowires", Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Sensing and Measurement Annual Conference, Edinburgh (October 2022).


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