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Applications of these detectors to a range of new problems in sparse photon depth and
passive imaging, for example long-distance single-photon imaging, imaging through obscurants,
non-line of sight imaging, eg challenging scenarios in imaging. The linking of these applications to
SWIR/MWIR single-photon detector development gives a unique opportunity to take a holistic
approach to design of detector focal plane arrays, allowing the chance of bespoke designs
specifically fabricated for particular use cases.


The comprehensive characterisation of all the detectors can be performed under a wide range of conditions by the collective use of resources at all partner laboratories. As well as providing the full project requirements, this will provide an un-paralleled international resource to act as a verification centre for other single-photon detector technologies, attracting world-class international collaborators to the PG consortium. This PG will mean that a range of inter-related subjects can be more effectively researched in one coherent project. Examples of inter-related work includes: the common ground in device modelling and characterisation; the similarity in ROIC design required for CMOS SPADs, Ge-on-Si SPADs and InAs detectors; similar design requirements for microlens and mosaic filters across all detector platforms; and the similar approaches used for lidar transceivers used for all detectors. 

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